Log Tab
Log General
Write Warning and Up/Down Log Files as;
default := TXT:=Checked; HTM:=Checked;
Here you select how the Log file should be written.
TXT stand for a Text file which you can open with any text editor
HTM stand for a HTML file which you can open with your WWW program
Write Warnings To Log File;
default := UnChecked;
When this option is checked all warnings will be writing to the file MBMWARN.TXT and/or the MBMWARN.HTM together with the time and date that the warning appeared. Unchecking the box will make sure no warnings are written. Pressing the button with the Text Icon on it will open the Text Version. Pressing the button with the HTML Icon on it will open the HTML Version. Pressing the button Recyble Bin will send the Warning Log to the Recycle Bin. There is no maximum limit to the size of the Warning Log.
Use ; in CSV File;
default := ;
The symbol you enter here will be used in the CSV file, it depends a bit on how your Excel is setup, for some it is the ; for other it might be a ,/
Save Up/Down Log when Exiting;
default := UnChecked;
When this option is checked Motherboard Monitor will write the Up’s and Downs list to the file UPDOWN.TXT and/or UPDOWN.HTM when the program is shutdown by the user or by windows. Unchecking the box will make sure no up’s and downs are written when the program closes. Pressing the button with the Text Icon on it will open the Text Version. Pressing the button with the HTML Icon on it will open the HTML Version. Pressing the button Recyble Bin will send the Up’s and Downs Log to the Recycle Bin. There is no maximum limit to the size of the Up’s and Downs Log.
Interval Log
Write Interval Log Files as;
default := TXT:=Checked; HTM:=Checked; CSV:=UnChecked;
Here you select how the Log file should be written.
TXT stand for a Text file which you can open with any text editor
HTM stand for a HTML file which you can open with your WWW program
CSV stand for Comma Seperated Values file, this file can be open with a program like Excel. So fat this format is only supported for the Interval Log.
Write Interval Log;
default := UnChecked;
When this option is checked the program will write at set intervals all the values to the file MBMLOG.TXT and/or the MBMLOG.HTM and/or MBMLOG.CSV. Unchecking the box will cancel the Interval writings. Pressing the button with the Text Icon on it will open the Text Version. Pressing the button with the HTML Icon on it will open the HTML Version and Pressing the button with the Excel Icon will open the CSV version. Pressing the button Erase will erase the Interval Log. The maximum limit is set with the Stop Writing At X Kb.
InterVal Log; Interval: X Minutes;
default := 1 Minute;
This determines the interval time Motherboard Monitor writes the Interval Log. This option is only available if Write to Log at Set Intervals is checked.
Interval Log; Stop Writing at X kb;
default := 64kb;
This determined the maximum size that the Interval log can be. Once this value is reached the Write To Log At Set Intervals will be unchecked.